Proverbs 22:6 - Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Here at Upward, our kids take a priority in the Church.  Through the lens of discipleship, they are our first and foremost responsibility given to us by God to disciple and model what it means to live a life for Christ.  Our hope is that all of the children at Upward will be treated in a way that draws them into a close relationship with Christ and grows them to love God's Church.

Upward Kids (Ages 4-11) 

Our Upward Kids curriculum revolves around the concept that helping our kids "understand" what God's Word means to them and not simply "memorizing" bible verses will have a much more profound effect on their lives as they grow up and therefore help them internalize God's truth on a personal level.  

Upward Nursery (Ages 0-3)

We offer a safe and fun place to leave your younger children during service.  Your babies will get plenty of attention and care and your toddlers (2-3 year olds) will also be told the same story in the nursery that is being taught in the older kids room.